Ah, I bet I forgot that!

I'll try again, thanks!

Hi Stefan,

I've just tried to send the log files to my laptop, having just received a Bluetooth USB adapter in the mail

I've connected to FIS-CONTROL

This gives me 3 COM ports

I've tried all 3 ports, but cannot receive the log files.

Is this the correct process?

1. Check the Bluetooth adapter is connected to FIS-CONTROL

2. Select transfer log file - Bluetooth on FIS CONTROL

3. Open tera term, connect to com port

4. Receive file -> xmodem

I've tried the above in various orders with all available com ports but never receive the file

Thanks I'm advance

Thanks mate!

Is it the same protocol used to transfer data to FIS control, in your android app?

Also, do you have a guide for receiving the files to a PC l?

Need to extract my logs asap! sad

Hi all, has anyone managed to receive their data logs via Android / Bluetooth?

If so, how do I do this?
