Topic: error 91 in the Fis Control window

I got this morning some sort off error?

There was shown a white number 91 on a blue background square

This square was located at the bottom off the screen, in thr middle between
the fuel value off the torque pictogram

Not sure what to think about this

It seems to did ocure during driving approx 60 km/h in 6th gear

After restart the engine it was gone..

Sorry about the realy poor quality off the picture, but you can reconice position of the blue blurry dot

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Re: error 91 in the Fis Control window


I have seen similar artifacts before. They only occur in the overview screen. I already checked that the FIS-Control is sending correct commands to the cluster. So I am almost sure, that this is a bug of the cluster. It seems that the cluster has problems when graphics and text are on the same screen.

I will keep looking for a workaround.

Thanks for reporting the problem.


Re: error 91 in the Fis Control window

You will see more such artifacts (different numbers, different colors, strange small graphics) in the overview screen which will occur randomly at any time, any speed, but they are rare. Don't worry about that. You even don't have to restart the motor but only have to reload (e.g. go into the menu and back or change to the bord computer and then back to the FIS-Control) the screen to delete these errors.

Auch 'nen Zirkusclown ist Diebstahl!

4 (edited by jebege 2015-11-13 20:16:58)

Re: error 91 in the Fis Control window

Rumpelstilzchen wrote:

You will see more such artifacts (different numbers, different colors, strange small graphics)
in the overview screen which will occur randomly at any time, any speed, but they are rare.

I had today another "error" in the Fis main screen

The 3 digits "81:" in front off the 4 digits RPM section >>  81:1234 1/min

I will just keep posting these so called "errors" if i get them in my Fis screen