Trivium88 wrote:(Level sensor G266 and the oil temperature, under the crankcase. Intruments channel section in vag-com):
Yes, this is the TOG, I was referring to.
TOG = Temperatur und Ölstandsgeber
==> Temperature and oil level sensor
What I meant to say, was w/o this sensor you won't be able to use use this feature.
I'm not sure if all cars that Stefan's FIS Control supports have this sensor.
Trivium88 wrote:Why does not stefan want to implement that option? Not all "tachos" can activate that option, at least I do not know how to do it (if you know, tell me please :-) ). Honestly, as a funny option, I'd like this more, than the snake game :-P
I'll leave this to Stefan to answer. The snake game isn't mine, either. However, there is
a story behind why it was included. If I remember correctly, it was a joke wish from a
an early customer and Stefan added it to FIS Control just to prove it can be done.
Trivium88 wrote:- With regard to the possibility of scheduling changes of oil or maintenance for kilometers traveled, and that will seen in the screen of the FIS... I have seen that other "fis-control" systems for "golf mk4" can do it.
The quoted photo is from the ColorMFA display. This is *NOT* a standard VAG instrument
cluster, but rather a cluster with a modified display (and µ-controller) installed. However, your
car should have (in standard VAG form) a km and day counter for either WIV (long term
service, with km depending on how hard the car has to work) or at least simple service
(pure km and day counter which ever comes first).
You can't do this with FIS Control, because FC only shows values, which it is currently
measuring (e.g. "on top") . It doesn't do backround polls. Let's look at the following
example setup:
Preset 1: Configured to show the km/h
Preset 2: Configured to show the km driven (full mileage)
Preset 3: Configured to show the rpm
If Preset 1 or 3 is active, then the FC doesn't take note that the km driven (Preset 2)
increases. It also doesn't log the value (in the internal buffer). Similar if you have Preset
2 active and you want a message or a beep, etc when your speed goes above 120km/h
(your example from above), this won't work, because FC doesn't get the info (only via
Preset 1, which isn't "on top" in my example).
The reason you can't poll in the background is that if your pollwish is from a different
Control Unit, you would need to close your first CU, establish communications with the
new CU, get the value, close the second CU and finally reopen the CU for the presently
displayed value. This would take way toooooo long to do. If this is a critical value like
an engine shut off in case of too low oil pressure, your motor would have seized before
the FC even got around to telling you your oil pressure is too low. You can't multipoll via
OBD. OBD was never meant to be a playground for things like the FIS Control.
The CAN Bus is a different story as you can find all messages on the (appropriate) bus
as they are routinly repeated and delivered to all attached control units. The units
then selectively pick out which commands and messages are meant for them. The
other messages are ignored. Similar to a PC network setup. The Bussystem is also
very robust and can work even if one part of the CAN system is defect (CAN has high
and low signal values). If e.g. high is shorted out somewhere, you can still communicate
via CAN low and ground. The CAN transcievers are also smart. If the notice that they
are causing trouble on the bus system, they can decouple themselves from the bus
as not to disturb the rest of the controllers. Obviously this can lead to a limp-home
mode, but at least you can still get home.
VAG cars usually have three CAN Buses (Comfort, Drive Train and Infotainment
(Display)). So even here you still need to know which Bus to look at for the wanted
message. But the CAN BUS is a multi-message bus (unlike OBD), so you don't need
to find the exact "place" where to read out the value (OBD = measuring blocks). You
just need to know what address & the value you are looking for (very simplified
What the FC *could* do is to poll the external sensors and inputs in the backround. The
micro used in the FIS Control should have more than enough processing power. That
way you could use the FIS Control as a sort of state maschine. I have mentioned this
before, but Stefan isn't convinced about it ;o))).
kind regards,
Audi A6 / BDG 2,5 TDI Bj 2003 // Mj 2004 Bekennender FIS-Control Junky ;ö))
Jetzt auch mit A6 4G Avant Bj 2013 BiTu unterwegs // Fzg. nicht mehr ohne Mods ;ö))
Neuste Errungenschaft: VW Passat B8 R-Line Mj 2016 mit "allem" (außer HUD und Pano) als Daily Driver. Nur sehr wenige Mods nötig ;ö))))